Friday, April 22, 2005

Why I love my best friend

My first class on "B" days is a planning period. I had to check with Cindy about something so I called her, and while we were chatting I noticed that my candy jar was empty. "Oh, crud," I said. "I meant to pick up some candy to put in the jar. Dangit."

"I can fix that," she said. She actually came up to school and brought me some goodies to put in my jar! Of course, there are myriad reasons why I love my best friend, but that just gives you an idea of how cool she is.

I keep candy in a jar in my cabinet for my students; my philosophy is that most people think better if they're not starving to death. I know I used to get horribly hungry during class and I was unable to concentrate OR do anything about it. I don't think an occasional Starlight Mint is going to cause the building to fall down around us, so I keep stuff like that around for my own classes.

Speaking of my students, I've got one who is very conscious of wanting to spell things correctly, so he's forever asking me to spell things. He's working on a science project about astronomy, and one of the questions had to do with naming some sports teams with astronomical nicknames (Houston Astros, etc.). He was doing internet searches for information and said, "Mrs. Wood, I promise I won't ask you how to spell ESPN. I think I can handle that one."

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