Wednesday, November 17, 2004

So what would YOU do with a million bucks?

Some students yesterday were having to write a short piece for another teacher, and the topic was, "What would you do with a million dollars?" So... what would you do with that amount of money?

Well, what the other teacher didn't get into was the notion that well over half that would go right back into the government's coffers, for starters. I'm sure that would've surprised and irritated them.

Me? I'd buy a parcel of land, probably just a bit south of the city, with some decent trees, and build a house on it. Not an elaborate house, just one that has enough space to live and breathe in. Then I'd buy a couple of new vehicles; maybe a couple of Toyota Landcruisers. That would probably take up just about all of it. I'd probably send the rest to missionary friends in different places around the world.

With unlimited funds? Hah! I guess I'd like to take my students on some trips to see other places in the world. I'm quite certain that Christie, here, hasn't been anywhere but here. Her world consists of checking on all her relatives in prison. I would so like for her to see that there's more to life that what she knows about. She is decently bright, attractive, and might have a chance -- IF she doesn't get locked into the mindset.

Yesterday I sat in a morning meeting about one of my students who was just coming back from a ten-day expulsion for fighting. Until this year, she had no history of physical aggression at all, but she has bought into the gang mindset somewhere along the way, and she has become intensely loyal to her friends. When one of her friends is attacked, she joins in the defense and gets herself into trouble. I hope she shows up to my class this afternoon (she doesn't often come), because I'm hoping to get a chance to talk to her about maybe changing what she thinks is important. I doubt I can do much to turn her around, but I'd at least like to give her some guidance. I care about her very much. I care about all my guys, to tell you the truth. Many of them run with extremely rough people, and a few of them actually are rough people themselves. But I'm not intimidated by that facade; I see them as people with potential.

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