Friday, July 22, 2005

Darwin was right.

Because everybody who's anybody says he was.

I'm tired of that argument... I get it all the time from my eleven-year-old daughter when she wants to watch some TV show or other crap that I've nixed: "But MOM, everybody watches That's So Raven!" ... No, they don't. Not in this house, they don't.

Rand Simberg rolls his eyes at this kind of argument, too, even though he's also working that side of the street.

It's all about FAITH, people. If you're a staunch evolutionist or a staunch creationist, you're subscribing to a FAITH... either FAITH in accidental serendipity or FAITH in intelligent design, when it comes down to the very elemental level.

As I have stated before, I do not know how God did it. I wasn't there... I wasn't timing Him with a stopwatch, and I wasn't watching to see how He made all the animals and plants and protozoa and viruses and stuff. All I know is what He says in His letter to me... and like a Dad explaining things to His kid, there are some things I obviously can't wrap my mind around at this time.

I do know that some people are more inquisitive than I am about such things, and that's cool. That's how we learn. The problem lies when we make assumptions about how and why and origins and stuff, when we DON'T KNOW. Maybe it took millions of "years" for God's voice to reverberate throughout the universe and speak us all into being. Maybe it was in a microsecond. Maybe time wasn't the same then as it is now. Trying to describe those events in our limited terminology and understanding is ridiculous.

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