Saturday, January 08, 2005

If you're not reading the Diplomad...

If Diplomad isn't on your list of daily must-reads, why not? You're out of the loop if it's not. I have become a Diplomad junkie. Here's how they describe themselves:

A Blog by career US Foreign Service officers. They are Republican (most of the time) in an institution (State Department) in which being a Republican can be bad for your career -- even with a Republican President! Join the State Department Republican Underground.

They're on the ground and in State Department buildings all over the place, observing all sorts of stuff you're glad you don't have to see, and telling us about it. Today's post is especially fun for people like me who have utter contempt for the United Nations. Here's a sample:

Our folks in Aceh report that UN "coordination" means that the UN holds a meeting every day at 5 pm near the runway in Aceh. Every donor nation and NGO stands up and states what it's doing; the UN rep writes it down. Some times, however, it's hard to hear. The distinctive "whoop! whoop! whoop!" of those nasty American choppers and the roar of Australian and American C-130 engines on the tarmac can prove very bothersome to the UN rep as he tries to hear what everyone else is doing. Poor man! If only those stingy Aussies and Yanks would have the decency to shut down relief operations while the UN rep is trying to hold a meeting, after all, he's here to help, help himself, that is, to taking credit for what the others are doing.

UN means "Useless Nincompoops", right?

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