First of all, I thought I'd heard of most critters. See, I used to read encyclopedias for fun. ALL THE TIME. My grandmother owned several big collections of encyclopedias, and whenever we spent time there (which was often) and I was the only kid (also, quite often), I parked myself in her fireplace room and perused them. One set was entirely devoted to the animal kingdom. For example, one of the books dealt with all the animals that fell within the alphabetical range of "Barbet to Bream."

Sometimes I wonder about myself. Is it normal to be on a perpetual quest to know new stuff? Particularly stuff that bears no discernible advantage for the know-er? I mean, knowing that tenrecs exist or that they communicate ultrasonically using specialized quills won't make me wealthier or healthier or even wiser. It just fills this vast chasm in my mind that longs to KNOW STUFF for the sake of knowing it. I guess it's kinda like the person who climbs Everest just because it's there. Only it's not anywhere near as physically demanding or life-threatening.
I just like to know random stuff.
how refreshing! a person that wants to learn stuff, and not weird junky stuff, like kids are exposed to today that turn them into mindless animals but neat stuff about the world that shows all the wonderful things that God has made!
I'm like that, too. I love knowing all these weird random facts. And the strange thing is I'll remember some of them (like: the first commercially-available individually wrapped candy in the U.S. were Tootsie Rolls, in 1896) and then I can't remember things like phone numbers....
I also want to read through all of Shakespeare. Just so I can say that I did.
Random stuff is good for you. (I probably wouldn't have a Web site were it not for random stuff.)
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