Monday, September 03, 2007


Back in July, the Lake Texoma fireworks had to be cancelled because of the incessant rain and flooding.

They had a bit of a dilemma, however. There were all these fireworks lying around, having been prepared for the July 4th celebration, and they needed an excuse to shoot 'em off.

Hence, the Labor Day Fireworks Display at Kingston, Oklahoma last night:

Granddad, Grandmother, JoeMama and Aunty Ada (who's reading my recently purchased copy of The Dangerous Book For Boys).

The fireworks display lasted for thirty minutes and was spectacular and beautiful. Good job, guys!

Aunty Ada's youngest, Daniel, wrassles with Isaac. Don't they look like the positive/negative versions of one another? Good grief.

And this, my friends, is Granddad, who originated the goofiness in this family. Don't you love the danglies?

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