Saturday, August 11, 2007

And we all know what Baptists are best at, right?

Pot lucks, of course!

Tomorrow after church they've scheduled an all-church pot-luck luncheon. I made a batch of my famous potato salad and two pecan pies already. There's a ham being prepared as well, and Martha volunteered to make deviled eggs (her fave). I'm trying to remember if there's anything else I signed up to bring... as if that's not already enough! But since our church is sooooooo small, I want to be sure there's enough variety there.

Isn't this WWII poster the coolest? I found it at Home Sweet Homefront. Gotta love the image of Hitler's unruly forelock doubling as a wasteful overflow of food and the pan-handle Nazi salute. Contrast it with the sturdy, stiff-upper-lipped Churchill Pot.

I found it when I did a GIS for "pot luck."

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