Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Just a lovely day

Last Saturday, after I'd visited FrankJ and SarahK at Braum's in Decatur, Texas, I drove through Decatur's downtown area and stopped on the square at a couple of antique stores. I love browsing through them, even though I rarely make a purchase. I did buy one item for JoeMama, though -- they had these kewl little Christmas decorations made from glass bricks put together like a Christmas package with a bow wrapped around it, and there were Christmas lights inside it, and when you plugged it in it looked like a little present all lit up. Very inventive, I thought, and worth a 20-spot.

Decatur is the county seat of Wise County, and here's the awesome courthouse:
Isn't that awesome?

I also love it when downtown areas have those big advertisements painted all over a brick wall:

I think I'm going to drive back over there in the next few days and pick up one or two more of those cool glass-brick decorations -- one for me and one for my sister Hermanita.

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