Resurrection Sunday came and went... we did our celebrating throughout the past three days rather than all on one day. FCC had three Easter services: one on Friday night, and then the normal two this morning. The Friday night one was identical to a Sunday morning service rather than being a special "Good Friday"-type service. It worked well; the place was packed all three services, and there weren't many repeaters. Lots and lots and lots of new faces, which I was glad to see. The crowd just keeps growing bigger at that church, and it's very exciting to watch it all unfold and to get to be part of the action.
We dyed Easter eggs this year, which we haven't done in a couple of years for one reason or another, and we had a blast. The kids loved it; they used crayons to make designs, then we dipped the eggs in the dye. Isaac did partial dips to make a few with a tie-dye effect, and Martha did some half-and-halfers.
I set out Easter baskets for them to surprise them this morning... candy, a couple of toys, a chocolate bunny... you know, all the traditional stuff like that. Even plastic grass. Of course, it's now all over the house, as you'd expect. But that's tradition, too, isn't it? Kind of like stepping on a Cheerio in the carpet when you have a one-year-old... it's just part of the package.
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