Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Yet more evidence that people in the media just don't get it

The Jordan Times ran a statement on Sunday about journalist/hostage Jill Carroll:
"Jill Carroll worked at The Jordan Times for one year - long enough for anyone who would come across her to be convinced beyond any doubt of her genuine interest in the Middle East, her sincere admiration for Arab culture and utmost respect for the Arab people."

"A few months after the US invasion, she left Jordan for Iraq, prompted by the desire to show to as vast an audience as possible the human tragedies caused by the war and the hardships of the Iraqi people."

"The kidnappers who abducted her could not have chosen a more wrong target."

"Jill has always wanted to know and experience as much as possible about Arab identity, and she is keen on absorbing it, learning, understanding and respecting it."

"An open-minded, sharp, intelligent, dedicated and highly appreciated professional, Jill makes one of the best ambassadors Arabs could ever hope for."
That's just it, people. The creeps who are taking hostages don't feel "misunderstood." They're not just trying to get attention or respect. They're trying to make more non-Muslims and Westerners DEAD... and scare as many other ones as possible in the process. It doesn't matter how well you understand the Arab mind, how well you bridge the gap between the cultures, because they're NOT INTERESTED IN UNDERSTANDING OR BUILDING CULTURAL BRIDGES. They're rabid, crazed, shall I say demon-possessed wackos bent on destruction and death. They hold their own lives in just as little regard as any other life, and look forward to the "reward" they've been promised for dying and taking out as many infidels as possible in the process. We need to be all about sending them on to the next life and preventing them from fulfilling their stated mission, because that's all we can do. They're murderous freaks, not reasonable rational freedom-fighters.

I'm sorry if that offends someone. Deal, 'k?

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