Monday, December 26, 2005

Road Trip!!

Tomorrow, the kids and I (sans Rick, he's gotta work) are taking off on a road trip to Texas!! Wahoo!! We'll be bunking at my parents' new digs in Denton and doing the Christmas thang there with the rest of the fam. I'm also excited because this will be Erica's first road trip with the family, and she'll be meeting all our folks down there.

I've been scurrying around today trying to get last-minute things taken care of before the trip; oil change on the van, road-music CDs burned, etc... Tomorrow morning we'll all do another en masse head-lice treatment just to get rid of any of the creepies that might be left behind, and while we're gone, Rick will do all the linens again. I sure do hope that clears the durn things up.

Tonight I've got to wrap all the gifts that are going south with us. I hope it doesn't take me too long; I'm pretty tired and tomorrow's going to be a loooong day. I'll be taking my laptop along and may try to do a little roadblogging if we find a wi-fi spot.

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