Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The agony...

Woke up this morning with some of the worst neck, back & shoulder pain I've ever had. I could barely move my head. I took the limit of naproxen, which I'm not supposed to take anyway because of my stomach, but I couldn't bear it. I got in to see my therapist who used a TENS unit on me for a while, which helped a little, but it didn't last long. Practice tonight would have been so much more fun if I could've turned my head! But I still enjoyed it very much... band practice is like heaven or something for me -- how weird is that? I'm just so happy to be doing it, though, and my friends there are sooooo nice. I was greeted with a snide remark about capri pants (which was actually very, very heartwarming for me -- it's kind of like when you're in the third grade and you know a boy likes you because he hits you)... I knew they were glad to see me, and I was glad to see them too. Then when Jen got there, she gave me a little container with some homemade blackberry cobbler in it(happy place! happy place!). Her husband Steve is the head sound guy at church and he took a crack at the knot in my shoulder... hurt like a muthah, but it helped. He said I was waaay too tense and that I needed to slow down. I'm thinking that riding in a car for ten hours yesterday didn't help a whole lot, really.

Tonight I'm wearing one of those ThermaCare patches on it. Still hurts like crap though. Isn't there some kind of gigantic needle with painkiller that somebody could just jab down into that knot and loosen it up? Anything would be better than how it feels right now. The scene from Pulp Fiction comes to mind, the one where they jab the hypodermic into her... yeah, that one... I'm telling you, this pain is debilitating. I can't begin to fathom how people who suffer from chronic pain manage to muster up the will to live. Sounds dramatic, yes, I agree, but if this pain were with me every single day, I'd be messed up bad. I get around people and I don't even want to talk. I'm just trying to manage the next thing; don't complicate my life by making me talk about it.

Even at that, though, it was just so refreshingly nice to be around my peeps again. We didn't have a lead guitar player tonight, though, because he managed to slice off the end of one of his fingers on his left hand. I feel like a schmuck for even complaining about my neck. Sheesh.

Okay, I've got a project due at the end of this week, and I haven't started. Pathetic, huh? Mom gave me a germ of an idea today, though, and I'm going to see if I can figure out a way to use it.

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