Sunday, June 19, 2005

Weekend visitors

I haven't blogged much this weekend because my mom and her sister showed up on the doorstep Friday night and are taking the children away for two weeks.


You heard that right... TWO WEEKS WITHOUT KIDS!!! Of course, I'll be in class every day, so it's not as though I can GO anywhere. But just imagine how quiet the house is going to be!! Wahoo!! heh

Oh, who am I kidding? I'm going to miss them. But they're going to be having a terrific time hanging out at MamaSue's house, going to the farm, fishing in the pond, feeding the chickens and the donkeys, working in the garden, and pulling my dad's finger.

And I'm going to write papers and go through all their clothes to weed out the stuff they can't wear anymore, and clean house.

Yeah, right. [snicker]

I'll actually get to leave town briefly at the end of this two-week parenting vacation, believe it or not. I'm going to leave after class is over on Friday, fly down for the family reunion, and then come back with the kids before class starts back up on Tuesday.

But for the next two weeks... yahooooo!!

Again, who am I kidding? I'm a complete putz, if the truth must be told. I talk a good game, but I'll probably curl up every evening and watch Stargate SG-1 re-runs. WITHOUT interruptions, thank you very much.

THIS chick knows how to have a good time.

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