Friday, April 01, 2005

My angel Alice

I have blogged about Alice a few times (here) and (here are a couple), and I thought you might like to see her. She takes harp lessons at her school (it's a fine-arts magnet elementary school, so they get all kinds of cool opportunities) and this is her during a performance recently:

As I've mentioned before, Alice came to us with some significant special needs to begin with, so all the things she's able to do today are a complete bonus in my eyes. They weren't sure she'd ever walk or talk, but she can run (with a funny sideways gait) and she can read (on a kindergarten level). Her speech is slow but clearly understandable. She sasses her older sister occasionally (well-deserved, I assure you) and cares tenderly for anyone she perceives to be lonely or frightened; hence she tends to make friends first with every new kid in the class. She talks to God while sitting on her bed, and tells me that He talks to her as well. I believe her.

I'd post a picture of my eldest, but she doesn't want me to. Fair enough, I guess.

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