Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Heaven preserve me...

...from having to sit through yet another MEETING. My loyal readership will know by now how much I despise -- nay, loathe -- meetings. Do people not know how to write an e-mail? Or read one? The overwhelming majority of meetings could be distilled into a brief and informative e-mail, thus saving a great deal of aggravation on the part of those of us who do not wish to be bothered with extraneous information. I do NOT want to be forced to sit and listen to someone whine about hall duty. Besides, half the time the PA system isn't working well or the person talking doesn't know how to use a stinkin' microphone, so I can't hear a bloomin' thing.

That being said, I have another stupid meeting to go to this afternoon. I have to rearrange my entire life just to go to this particular meeting once a month, and they're meant for first-year teachers. I am not a first-year teacher. I qualify as this because I came in from another state AND because it's been ten years since I last taught. But the things that really would've been helpful (tutorials on the software, etc) weren't part of this. No, this is stuff like how to keep discipline in your class, how to get along with other teachers, blahblahblah. Gag me. Poke me in the eyeballs with sharp sticks. Or dull sticks. It'd be better than this.

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