Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Ron Artest's legacy

A month ago, after a high school basketball game here in Des Moines (not the high school where I teach), a number of high school students brawled in the parking lot. Three girls were arrested after assaulting a police officer and breaking her nose. Two of them were 17 and 18, old enough to immediately be tried as adults. As for the other one:
A 15-year-old Des Moines girl who police say broke an officer's nose in a brawl last month should be tried in adult court, prosecutors said Monday.

Prosecutors say in court records "there are no reasonable prospects" that Ericka Barnes can be rehabilitated in the juvenile system before her 18th birthday. It is rare for 15-year-olds to be tried as adults in Iowa.

"We don't use this very often at all. Maybe two or three times a year at most," juvenile court spokesman Ed Nahas said.

Barnes is charged with assault on a peace officer with intent to cause serious injury for a Jan. 14 fight outside Hoover High School that left Police Sgt. Cindy Donahue with a broken nose. Donahue said that she told Barnes her nose was broken, and that the teenager answered: "You deserved it."

I have no words to sufficiently express my disgust.

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