Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Let the happy dancing commence!

Just got out of a meeting with my administrator, who once again gave me a very complimentary evaluation. She likes what I'm doing, and she can tell that I have a very good relationship with my students (which is completely true -- I genuinely like all my peeps). She likes that I'm pushing hard on reading and on improving their skills in this area. And she likes that Resource class isn't just a glorified study-hall period. That's a big plus, because several of the other Resource teachers believe their only job is to make sure they're succeeding in all their other classes... I, however (backed up by my mentor teacher) believe that Resource is for helping them catch up by reinforcing skills that they'll need in these other classes... plus a little time and extra help in other assignments.

I'm relieved -- RELIEVED, I tell you -- to have that out of the way. I truly like my administrator, but there's just a touch of the unknown involved (did she totally hate that lesson and is she going to pick me to pieces?) that makes it somewhat stressful. The good thing is that I'm much older than the last time I was a professional educator; I have much more self-assurance and I'm much less intimidated by anyone. Come what may, things will be okay. Either I am what they need in a teacher, or I'm not. There are plenty of other things I'm good at and can do. But I do like what I'm doing, and I would seriously miss my peeps if I weren't able to return to this high school.

Hey... she even commented on my classroom's tropical theme. She said it was GREAT, that it was soothing and that it provided a great mind-stretch to be able to look around and imagine yourself on a beach in the tropics. Hey... to celebrate this occasion, please go somewhere and have a fruity drink with an umbrella in it, k?

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