Friday, December 17, 2004

Victor Davis Hanson

VDH has a new essay out today: Cracked Icons: Why the Left Has Lost Credibility

If the moralizing Left wants to be taken seriously, it is going have to become serious about its own moral issues, since that is the professed currency of contemporary liberalism. Otherwise, the spiritual leaders who lecture us all on social justice, poverty, and truth will remain the money-speculator George Soros, the Reverend Jesse Jackson of dubious personal and professional ethics, and the mythographer Michael Moore. And we all know where that leads...

I have often marveled at the utter hypocrisy of the Left. VDH skewers it yet again, in his inimitable style. Plus, I always appreciate the irony of the use "Saddamite" to refer to Hussein's toadies.

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