Sunday, December 19, 2004

Happy Sunday Morning!!

Yes, I'm skipping church today. Actually, I'm about six hundred miles away from my church. I spent yesterday with my mom and my aunt, who drove up from Texas to bring me and my kids back with them for Christmas. Rick will come later in the week, after he's off work.

Today I am in Paris, Texas... home of that cool Eiffel Tower With Cowboy Hat thing that you see on the "I've Been Everywhere" Johnny Cash hotel commercial. Yes, it's a leetle embarrassing to say I went to high school in Paris because it sounds like I'm French. Eww!

I always lose my brain when I get back to my mom & dad's house. I try hard not to, but almost the instant I walk through the door, I'm transported back in time and I become incapable of stringing together coherent thoughts. Okay, I'm weird. I freely admit this.

I went for a whole day without FOX News as well, and I'm feeling a bit out of the loop. Now that my dad's got a nice new Dell, I think I'll go see what Drudge is saying today. Be back shortly.

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