Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Not a Blackberry, a HACKberry!

Known by most in these parts as a "trash tree" because it tends to be short-lived and it is plagued with many pests, the humble hackberry is much maligned. My mom, however, has a soft spot in her heart for the hackberry -- she loves its bumpy skin, she says:

The trunk of a hackberry tree, as it ages, gets bumpier and bumpier. Compare it to the bark of an oak:

Very different.

Also in my yard is a fig tree, and the other day I noticed baby figs beginning to develop:

Yay! I love figs.

We have several flowerbeds full of this purplish groundcover.

And then I am delighted to announce the impending arrival of my four o'clocks! Hooray! They are my favorite old-timey flower because they remind me of my delightful great-grandmother who used to grow them in profusion around her house.

Thank you to Chickie who showed me some linky-love in her blog today... you mentioned my nature photos, but your columbines are splendid and I am jealous! I love columbines.

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