Why, look! It's my elementary school in Norman, Oklahoma... we stopped in Norman on the way north so that Isaac could see the OU campus, and I decided to hunt down my old school and see if it's still in operation.
It is! Look!

And here I am with Joy, who I've known since sometime in 1995:

Joy and I have MUCH history together... MUCH. She has always had the knack of bringing out the best in me -- in unexpected ways. It's nice to be around people like her.
And then today I stopped in at the Clive (Iowa) Fire Department, where my friend Joni has been working the desk for lo! these many years:

Now I'm hangin' with BlueFish and the girlz, so expect a few more pictures to come. Blue is sitting on his couch playing these awesome jazz chords on his gee-tar. Holy smokes, this guy's got it goin' on.
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