Tuesday, May 02, 2006

100 Things I Like

Dunno what's with my fascination with "100" lately... anyway, here are 100 things I like, in no particular order of significance. This list is not comprehensive; I reserve the right to like other things, too. These are just the first 100 things that came to mind.

1. Crushed ice
2. SweetTarts
3. Johnny Depp movies
4. Sunny days
5. Clean scents
6. Pepsi
7. Chocolate (not dark)
8. Photographing things
9. Fast-paced card games
10. Playing the piano
11. Sitting still
12. Foreign grocery stores
13. T-shirts
14. Star Trek
15. Laughter
16. Being barefoot
17. Debussy's piano music
18. Cream cheese
19. Blogging
20. X-Files
21. Honesty
22. Painting pictures
23. Holding hands
24. Being on stage
25. Trivia games
26. Winning
27. Peanut butter
28. Smiles
29. Leather
30. College football games
31. Ice cream
32. Bruce Hornsby
33. Ronald Reagan
34. Skateboards
35. Fire
36. Foreign languages and accents
37. Grisham novels
38. Dogs
39. Flip-flop sandals
40. Traveling
41. Duct-tape
42. Bright colors
43. Guitarists
44. Tomato soup
45. Hemingway
46. Toenail polish
47. The number "8"
48. Tetris
49. Horses
50. Caller ID
51. Placido Domingo
52. U2
53. Candles
54. Taking a nap
55. Green
56. Handwritten notes
57. Roses with yellow petals and red edges
58. Fast cars
59. Talking to old people in a nursing home
60. Camping
61. Swimming
62. Sherman (my old teddy bear)
63. Going over a hill really fast
64. Cooking
65. Bonnie Raitt's voice
66. Riding a bicycle
67. Listening to my kids read
68. Old quilts
69. Kisses on my neck & ears
70. Brand-new pens
71. Oak furniture
72. Coffee
73. Dexter's Laboratory cartoons
74. The internet
75. The smell of an expensive cigar
76. Singing
77. Curly hair
78. Fishing
79. Nashville, Tennessee
80. Imagining things
81. Cicadas
82. Blank paper
83. Air-conditioner blowing in my face
84. The smell after a rainstorm
85. New clothes
86. Even Stevens (kids TV show)
87. Giving back massages
88. Text-messaging
89. Flickr's web site
90. Sea scallops sauteed in butter
91. Star Wars action figures
92. Horseback riding
93. Growing tomatoes
94. Earthworms
95. Finding fossils
96. Taking a shower
97. Funky socks
98. Secrets
99. Mayonnaise
100. Driving a car

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