Friday, February 03, 2006

Couldn't have said it better myself

So I'll quote Kevin McGehee instead:
When you twist God's law to justify mass murder, you desecrate Him.

When you distort God's will to relegate even your own women to being little better than animals, you offend Him.

And when you hold that He and his servants on earth are too flimsy and weak to bear a bit of mild ridicule from those who believe differently from you, you diminish Him.

God will spend His wrath where He will. Your wrath, I do not fear. Your wrath, I hold in contempt.

The Islamofascists who are getting all freaked out about the Mohammed cartoons in Denmark newspapers are a bunch of whiny toddlers having a mass tantrum trying to get their way. I'd tell them to grow up, but if they did that, they'd realize their phony religion was a pile of pigpoop and leave it behind.

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