Saturday, January 07, 2006

Today's auction

Okay, so I don't often paint quite in this style, but Erica requested a dragon, and I know that the Chinese New Year begins on the 29th of this month, so in celebration of this, here's a happy little dragon (complete even with a little shiny gold enhancements) and he's looking forward to celebrating (the Kanji symbol in red is "celebrate") the New Year with you.

"Dragon" is an original watercolor painting on acid-free 140lb. Canson paper, paper size is 9x12, image size is 7x10. Bidding starts at $20; use the Comments to bid. At 10PM Central, bidding's over. Winner pays through Paypal, Amazon, or money order. Personal checks must clear before I will ship. If you are the auction winner, please inform me of your location so I can give you an exact shipping amount to add to your payment.

Thank you for helping me out!!

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