Thursday, January 05, 2006

I am so sick of this dipwad

Pat Robertson suggests Sharon's stroke the result of God's punishment for "dividing the land of Israel."

Can someone... ANYONE... convince this idgit to SHUT UP??? Can he not see that every single time he opens his mouth, he makes a fool out of himself and makes the rest of us evangelicals look like fools as well?

FOR THE RECORD: I do NOT agree with this moonbat and I consider him to be on par with Cindy Sheehan as far as the validity of his idiotic, dumb@$$ opinions.

As a college student, I briefly showed interest in Robertson's candidacy for US President... but then, I also briefly showed interest in Dukakis, so there's perspective for ya. When I grew up, I shunned both.

Now, do I deny that the very Bible which I read actually does say those things? Nope. Nor do I claim that they AREN'T valid. I'm just saying that it's really, really stupid to publicly and widely proclaim this sort of thing. God's ways are much, much bigger than ours, and I just don't think we can make these kinds of claims about His purposes. It's the same as the idiots who claim that AIDS is God's broadstroke punishment for homosexuality. The people who say these sorts of things don't really know God very well, I'm guessing.

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