Monday, December 12, 2005

This is a joke, right?

My plane landed safely and only ten minutes behind schedule yesterday. As I had boarded the plane at DFW, I had watched a few minutes of the Cowboys/Chiefs game and the Chiefs had scored very quickly. So I wasn't terribly optimistic about how the rest of the game was going to go. When I got off the plane, though, I called a friend and found out that my 'boys were up by three with 22 seconds left to play. Caramba!!!

Unfortunately, I think that was the only good news there was to be had.

As the evening wore on and we watched the final Survivor: Guatemala episode, Rick began to get increasingly sicker. Throughout the night, he was murfing in the bathroom -- LOUDLY. The sound of violent retching is not conducive to sleep. I felt really bad for him, but hey, he got to stay home from work and sleep all day. I still had to teach.

Then Isaac came downstairs crying, saying his head itched so much he couldn't sleep. My heart skipped a beat, and I began to run my fingers through his hair.

My son has fleas.

This can NOT be happening. I do NOT need this.

So now we get to try to get rid of the fleas, because obviously they're coming from our dog.

Tonight I used Bijou's flea shampoo on his hair. I'm hoping tomorrow we can strip all the linens and spray the carpet and shampoo the dog. This is so ridiculous.

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