Saturday, December 17, 2005

Thank you, Hollywood

Once in a while, they get something right.

When I heard a year ago that Narnia was coming out this Christmas, I was excited -- but with trepidation. The Narnia series of books have been some of my most beloved reading material since I was ten. I could recount in precise detail just about everything in each of the seven books, I've re-read them so often. The only other series of books I've loved THAT much have been the Anne of Green Gables books. Close seconds would be the Little House books and the Black Stallion books, but even those didn't have the staying power of Narnia for me.

What if Hollywood butchered the storyline? What if they chose the actors poorly? What if they added so much glop that they totally lost the point?

Well, they didn't. They actually got it right.

I knew they'd paid attention to detail when there was actually a dead fly on the windowsill of the wardrobe room.

Okay, I do have one teeny, tiny thing to point out, and that's that the little girl who portrayed Lucy had something green behind her teeth, as if she had a bright green retainer on the roof of her mouth. If that were the case, could they not at least retouch those in the editing process? Plus, the movie was so full of CGI, why couldn't they just erase that little bit of green showing through?

But that's such a small thing, and not particularly problematic. The little girl herself was spectacular as Lucy -- perfect casting if I ever saw it. So was Edmund. And Tumnus -- wow! The FX were beautiful.

Thanks, Disney. You're beginning to redeem yourself.

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