Saturday, November 05, 2005

Rehearsing... all... day... long...

"And the tree was happy." --Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree

My morning was spent rehearsing with Romansroad, and after a brief run to Subway for lunch, my afternoon was spent rehearsing with SoulFire. Ames came home with me after that, and she brought presents from Brazil. The kids have been faithfully praying for her every night, and they were so glad to see her again after so long.

The concert on December 4th is going to be awesome, but I'll be quite busy. Busy playing music, though, which is a good thing.

Part of the SoulFire rehearsal was actually just discussion about where things are headed and about upcoming gigs. We've got a number of them already for next year, which is awesome! I'm just trusting God for the whole equipment issue; He's got it figured out already, and I don't have to know right now.

I'm just a "happy little tree," in the immortal words of Bob Ross.

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