Monday, November 21, 2005

Random thoughts

Once in a while, something happens that I just wish I could blog about because it's so stinkin' funny, but I can't do it because somebody might get in trouble. I'll give it some thought; there may be a way I can share the story without incriminating anyone. [snicker] I'll just say that I work with some of the funniest people I've ever met.

Thanksgiving's this week! We'll be celebrating with the same people we have shared the holiday with for the past several years. They're doing turkey, I'll bring a pork roast. I'm also doing pecan pie, while they'll do pumpkin. It's a nice arrangement. Neither of us has family close by, so we've grown to consider one another the closest thing to family there is. It's good to have friends like that.

That also means that this is a SHORT WORK WEEK!! [happy dancing]

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