Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Martha and I returned to the State Fair later, after dark, to check out the fine arts exhibits and see what judges consider winning watercolor art. Yes, I've got an ulterior motive of checking out my options for entering my own work in the fair.

I was not impressed with the Best In Show entry, to be perfectly honest. It was a portrait of a man done in automobile paint, and it reminded me of something one of the airbrush artists on the midway might've done (albeit, done well, but still). The first runner-up for Best In Show was an outstanding watercolor of a farmer at night, sitting in his barn with his head in his hands. Very moody, dark. Should've been Best In Show. And as for competing with the likes of that, I doubt I'd have even the remotest chance. It was better than a photograph... it was more realistic than anything a camera might capture, which seems impossible, but it was.

Martha and I wandered the Grand Concourse to check out our dining options.

There was the Deep Fried Twinkies stand. I considered it, momentarily, then regained my senses and kept walking.

Some children were having a keen time playing in the fountains just outside the Grandstand.

Martha chose a pork tenderloin sandwich the size of a dinner plate. She nearly polished off the entire thing, too. I took one look at that thing and just shook my head in disbelief.

I actually chose to try the "Bologna On A Stick" from the Pella folks. It's not unlike a smoked sausage in shape, but it wasn't one bit like the Oscar Meyer stuff either. It was quite good, to be honest.

While sitting at a picnic table finishing our Fair fare, I snapped a couple more pictures. Check out the interesting tree in this one:

And then this one:

After we left the fairgrounds, we had to make a run to Wal-Mart to pick up some groceries. While standing in line at the checkout, I spotted this for sale:

Talk about redundant...

Anyway, it's 2 AM and I'm dog-tired. G'night.

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