Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Start playing the violins...

Justice O'Connor is disappointed. She's disappointed because her replacement isn't a woman.

How totally typical of the middle-of-the-road, PC-minded, stick-your-finger-in-the-wind mindset. As if it should MATTER what the gender of the individual on the SCOTUS is. Why does it? Does having ovaries somehow magically grant a person some indefinable ability to judge that a person without them doesn't have? It's exactly the same mindset that produced the argument that she used to put forth that dreadful ruling in the Michigan case upholding affirmative action on college campuses... completely logic-free and completely extra-Constitutional...

I, for one, am not sorry to see SDO'C go. I could not possibly care less what gender she is; she's been a less-than-stellar Justice who doesn't seem to be able to find true North, preferring instead to lean on moral relativism and foreign governments.

I'll bet she's going to end up being one of those Jimmy Carter types who, now that she's retired, will feel free to make all sorts of pronouncements and opinions known concerning current events. Let's hope she disappears like a decent individual and leads a private, quiet life... if we have to suffer through her retirement like we've suffered through Jimmah's, I don't know if I'll be able to bear it.

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