Thursday, July 14, 2005

My doggy's not black anymore

Bijou just got back from the groomer today and she's not black anymore. She's beginning to show definite signs of graying. The breeder we bought her from did say that she thought Bijou would probably end up gray, but up to now she's stayed pretty much a dusty black color. Now she's actually got a couple of silvery patches, and her face is graying as well. I guess we'll eventually have a silver doggie instead of a black one! She's still totally sweet, though. I can hardly believe how good she is. If I could've mixed up a recipe for perfection, she'd be it... well-mannered, obedient, friendly, but still barks at strangers, tiny enough to warm your lap or feet, loyal, happy to see you when you come home... she's got the whole package.

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