Monday, April 04, 2005

Weekend wrap-up

All in all, a productive weekend for me. After spending all day Saturday working hard on a project, I went to see a local band. Neal, the cool drummer-dude who sometimes plays at church, is the drummer for this band. It's a country band called Red Rock and they just do a lot of entertaining cover tunes from old to new. I'm not into country at all, but I knew that Neal's band would be playing at this place that night, and I wanted to go see them. They are very talented guys; they even have this rather unassuming-looking fellow with a bushy mustache who plays the steel guitar and plays it WELL. The lead singer had a very nice voice and a bit of a comic edge. The crowd was definitely NOT the type of folks I usually see; Cindy commented that she didn't know there were that many rednecks IN Iowa. It was entertainment for us just to people-watch.

We didn't stay very late because we remembered that it was Time-Change Weekend. Even at that, though, Sunday morning came waaaaaay too early for me. I still managed to be there a little early anyway, but I was very, very sleepy for most of it. I sat backstage to listen to the sermon instead of sitting out front with Rick during the second service because I knew if I tried to sit in there I'd fall asleep so fast I wouldn't know what hit me. At least backstage I can sit on the steps, change positions, whatever I have to do to stay awake. I 'bout died during the end of the pastor's sermon, though, because he often wants me to play soft music while they're all praying, etc. I can play this kind of stuff in my sleep... you know, just made-up chord progressions played very slowly or broken-up, no melody line, etc. Unfortunately, I can play this stuff in my sleep. The second service I nearly PUT myself to sleep. The one main highlight for Sunday morning's music was that we unveiled a new Jeff tune, meaning that he wrote another song. It's called "Race" and it's based on the Scripture passage in Hebrews about running the race that's set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus. Very upbeat and driving; I enjoyed playing it very much.

I didn't even go out with the family to eat lunch; I went straight home and got back into bed and was completely (and I do mean completely, because I don't even remember when the fam came home) comatose until 3:30 when it was time to get up and go back to church. I was feeling in fine form then, though, and had one of my best nights musically-speaking.

Last night when I finally got home, I finished up some classwork for the University of Phoenix and went to bed. This morning when we got up, Alice had a fever. I am so glad Rick is home and able to take her to the doctor; he's going to call me as soon as he knows what's going on.

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