Wednesday, April 27, 2005

My husband, the optimist

So I'm really encouraging Rick to consider the notion of moving to Norwalk, right? And I've been praying, asking God to talk to him and give him a clear up-or-down idea of what choice we need to make concerning a possible move. Hey, I'm here to tell you -- be careful what you ask God for, okay? Yes, Rick does seem to be actually interested in moving. He even met with our realtor yesterday to go through a house. And he is interested in the house!

Problem is, it's probably the ugliest house in Norwalk.

Okay, maybe it's mostly because nobody's taken care of it in a really long time. It's a foreclosure situation, and it's not in the best of shape.

I knew all of this stuff, but I haven't had a chance to go through the house. But yesterday afternoon after work I came in, and since Rick and I usually have about fifteen minutes of discussion time before he has to leave for work, I asked him what he thought.

I knew I wasn't going to like where this conversation was heading, because the first thing he said was, "Well, when you walk in, the first thing you notice is the smell." Then he proceeded to give me a rundown of how awesome this house could be if it were cleaned up, fixed up, etc. Old Mister Optimism, at it again.


Okay, at least the house isn't 120 years old, right? Maybe this one will actually have closets. It IS much bigger than it appears in the photograph, because it was added onto in the back. I was hoping for something a little less, umm, needy, I suppose... less labor-intensive, maybe? But perhaps we can take out the loan for more than the price, and put some money into making it a bit more presentable.

Stay tuned for more developments.

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