Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Wednesday wrapup

...but I am not sure I could possibly get any tired-er. I've already got an overdue paper for my class, but I think I can finish it up in the morning during my planning period.

Guess what? My middle daughter, Alice, who's disabled, played the harp today in a solo contest. It's the first time I've ever heard her play it, and I was stunned. She actually was using her left hand to pluck strings... her left hand, which is the one that doesn't work well. Not only that, but she even used the graceful gestures which all harpists seem to use. It was simply beautiful to hear. I'd just love it if she's actually able to continue doing this. It's an amazing thing to see, especially if you know just how disabled she really is. I love this school; it's the fine-arts magnet elementary school for the city of Des Moines and it is COOL. The kids get all kinds of extra fine arts things -- free music lessons, and they get to choose their instrument... free dance, art enrichment, all kinds of cool things. Next year Martha will be moving on to middle school, and I am seriously considering transferring her to Norwalk schools so she can go to school with the kids she goes to church with. But I think I'll leave Alice & Isaac at the academy so they can get the benefits of all the very cool music & art stuff.

Okay, it is way later than I need to be up. I may post tomorrow, or I may not. I've got an enormous amount of writing to do, not just for my class, so I really shouldn't be giving time to blogging right now... but it's an addiction and an obsession, so if something occurs to me to be blogworthy, I will probably take the time to post it.

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