Friday, March 04, 2005

Just so we don't forget

Tom Harkin is an embarrassment to this state. A liar in the highest tradition of Democrat liars, Harkin has managed to land himself in the Senate and hobnobs with Boxer, Clinton, Feinstein, etc. Unlike our other U.S. Senator, Chuck Grassley, whose plain-spoken style truly does seem to embody the stereotypical Iowan (I swear whenever I hear him talk, he sounds like just about every rural Iowan I ever met), Harkin has shot his mouth off recklessly and has shown himself to be a Coastal Liberal rather than a real Midwesterner. I don't always agree with Grassley, but I know he means what he says and doesn't stretch the truth to fit his current set of goals. He's an honorable man. Unlike his counterpart, unfortunately.

Recently there's been a bit of a flap here because our beloved Dem governor Vilsack has appointed Harkin's wife Ruth to the Board of Regents at the University of Iowa. What's the flap over? The fact that she's not a resident of the state of Iowa. Her husband is one of the U.S. Senators from this state, but she's not a resident of the state. Which actually means he's not, either. Oh, I know... he maintains a home somewhere. But he doesn't LIVE there.

Anyway, I wanted to post a few links so we wouldn't forget just what a steaming truckload of manure this man's every word seems to be.

From the Wall Street Journal OpinionJournal: Candidate Harkin Stretches The Truth
Vietnam Lies

From Daniel Pipes: A French Lesson For Tom Harkin

And from the Washington Post, let's not forget his most recent campaign dirty tricks: Tape-Gate

Harkin even claims to be in touch with God: God Wants Kerry to Win

I'm sorry, Mr. Harkin. You're a Catholic, right? Yet you wholeheartedly support the murder of unborn children... somehow that doesn't jive.

Tom Harkin is a wicked, self-serving creep. I'd like nothing more than to see him go the way of Tom Daschle... the people of South Dakota finally woke up and saw who he really was, and kicked his pinkytoe out of the Senate. It's time for Iowans to end the hypnosis and get a whiff of the smelling salts... Harkin has got to go.

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