Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Ultrasound machines

Now this is a project I could get behind... a project whose goal was to supply crisis pregnancy centers with an ultrasound machine so that women would have to face the person they're planning to kill before they make the final choice to do so.

Sonograms used to dissuade abortions

One of the most telling quotes from the anti-life crowd:
Abortion rights advocates say that a large number of the centers lure women by leaving the impression that they do, in fact, perform abortions and subsequently do not give women a full picture of their choices.

"Generally their treatment of women who come in is coercive," said Susanne Martinez, vice president of public policy at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. "From the time they walk in to these centers, they are inundated with information that is propaganda and that has one goal in mind: and that is to have women continue with their pregnancies."

DUH! And as for "luring" women in, I'm sure that the Planned Parenthood gang are all too happy to let women know about their option to kill their babies, while reassuring them that it's for the best. Once it's over and the baby's gone, the mom's supposed to go bouncing along in her happy little life without a care or a thought to the past... and they're not there to pick up her emotional pieces later, when she's wracked with guilt over her false "choice."
Dr. Sandra Christiansen, medical director of the Carenet Pregnancy Center of Frederick, Md., which also has an ultrasound machine said, "The motivation is that man and woman are made in God's image, that life is precious." Christiansen added, "Women have a right to know what is going on inside their bodies, and we want to provide women with critical information as they face a life-altering procedure and decision. Women will be empowered to choose life."

Groups that favor abortion rights see the technique as a pressure tactic. Nancy Keenan, president of Naral Pro-Choice America, said that while ultrasounds were legitimate medical care for pregnant women, "they shouldn't be misused to badger or coerce women by these so-called crisis-pregnancy centers. With or without ultrasound, women understand the moral dimensions of their choices."

If that's true, then why are you concerned about this? If they understand their "choice", then you shouldn't worry about them changing their minds. It's all about a woman's right, isn't it? Oh, I forgot... she's got the right to choose, but only as long as her choice is abortion. If she chooses life, it's not legitimate. I don't want to assume such a horrid thing, but it really begins to appear as though these people will consider themselves successful when they perform more and more abortions every year. Their claims of "safe, legal and rare" ring hollow. If they're so concerned about women's rights, they should also provide ultrasound for their people. But no, they're afraid of doing that, because they KNOW that seeing the baby changes everything for most of their clientele.

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