Thursday, February 10, 2005

Good riddance to bad rubbish

People like this deserve to have their American citizenship revoked permanently:

Left-wing lawyer Lynne Stewart convicted of helping terrorists

The money quote in this one?
Stewart repeatedly declared her innocence during the trial, maintaining she was unfairly targeted by overeager prosecutors. She testified on her own behalf as well, saying she believed violence was sometimes necessary to rid society of evil -- even in America.

"To rid ourselves of the entrenched, voracious type of capitalism that is in this country that perpetuates sexism and racism, I don't think that can come nonviolently," she said.

This is flat-out advocating violence against Americans, on American soil. What a poisonous traitor... I wonder what horrid thing has happened to her to cause her to have this much loathing for her own country? And if it's that bad here, why does she not immigrate elsewhere? I'm sure she'd find Saudi Arabia, Iran or North Korea much more to her liking... oh, wait a minute. Saudi Arabia and Iran wouldn't allow her the freedom to practice law, since she's a woman... North Koreans live in abject starvation, which wouldn't suit Ms. Stewart at all, since she doesn't appear to have missed many meals. No, I'm guessing it isn't a philosophical matter for her. She's just a bitter, angry wretch who's taking out her barge-load of ill will on the rest of us by betraying our national security.

If she can't be given the death penalty for treason, she should at least be in permanent solitary confinement. She has shown herself to be untrustworthy in such situations. Yes, I'm being awfully harsh, but with this statement she is giving her approval of the 9/11 attacks, which I think is way worse. She's become a terrorist, herself.

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