Sunday, January 09, 2005


Tonight on "Martha's Latest Exploits", we find our ten-year-old heroine running, howling, from the kitchen, holding her nose and shouting "I can't breathe! Ewww!". Reason? She set out to make her own supper, her favorite Ramen Noodles (without the flavor packet, but with spaghetti sauce instead -- don't ask -- she's weird). She opened the package, placed the brick of dry noodle in the bowl, put it into the microwave, and set it for 4 minutes. Two minutes and thirty seconds into the cooking time, she's howling "It's on fire!!!" Guess she forgot a crucial step in Ramen Noodle preparation: WATER. Now the house smells burnt, and she's complaining that she can't stand the smell.

My five-year-old son Isaac may be destined to be a game-show host. Tonight he's carrying around his usual pack of paper and a pencil, but this time he's writing down questions to ask people, and giving them points for correct answers.

He asked Mommy two questions... I copy them here verbatim, with translation for the non-moms:

Do you no hao to mac slim?
(Do you know how to make slime?)

Do you no hao mene stats thar are?
(Do you know how many states there are?)

Then he wrote a question for Martha:

Do your soks stek?
(Do your socks stink?)

--don't you just love how he tailors his questions to the person? And he's got his father's sense of subtlety as well.

Alice began her anti-seizure medication on Friday, but on a very low dose to start with, so I'm thinking it's really not having much of an effect right now. She had another left-side-jerking episode during church this morning. She's doing fine as far as demeanor is concerned, though. She reports that Promiseland (Sunday School) was her favorite thing about today.


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