Saturday, November 27, 2004

Ketchup, yet again

Once again, ketchup has shown up as an accomplice to a crime.

Ketchup 'hero' dismissed

An Indian soldier who used tomato ketchup to fake his claim for a bravery medal has been dismissed from service.

Colonel H.S. Kohli, who commanded an artillery regiment in Assam, tried to present photographs of civilians splashed with ketchup as 'enemy casualties'.

But the fraud came to light while authorities were processing his claims for an award

The army officer was tried and found guilty in a court martial while a major who connived with him in the fake encounter, faces a five-year suspension.

An army spokesman told the Indo Asian News Service: "It was indeed weird and bizarre to find him claiming a bravery award for the kills, which in fact did not take place at all."

Has anyone questioned Tuh-Ray-Zuh about this? I'm sure she'd have some pithy, cranky statement to make. "Let 'em eat French Fries" is a possibility. Or perhaps, "I didn't know we had artillery regiments on reservations."

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