Thursday, November 04, 2004

Keeping quiet...

Well, there were quite a few long faces around school yesterday.

I love what I'm doing, and I love where I work. Many of my fellow teachers are as dedicated as they could possibly be to seeing the students succeed. Unfortunately, it seems a great many of them have fallen victim to the whole sick relationship between the NEA and the Democratic party. My daughter came home from fifth grade yesterday and said that one of the teachers at her elementary school was CRYING because now that GWB had been re-elected, her brother was going to be FORCED to go to war in the draft.

PuhLEEEZ, people!!!! Can we not actually research things for ourselves, or are we that gullible? This is a TEACHER who made it through FOUR YEARS OF COLLEGE, for Pete's sake. I'm guessing that there are two types of people in the world, regardless of the amount of education they've received -- people who receive panicky e-mails warning everyone that Coca-Cola can be used to clean an engine, and immediately forward it to everyone they know... and people who receive those e-mails and immediately check to see if it's a hoax because most of the crap that gets forwarded around the internet is complete hogwash (or automatically delete it because the odds are that it's crap and they don't have the time to bother anyway).

Anyway -- back to the original topic -- although I really like where I work, and I think they all like me, too, it seems that my political beliefs are probably not highly favored. I've learned over the years, however, that regardless of the situation, it's almost always the best practice to keep my mouth shut and do my job. People will tend to project onto you their own assumptions IF you don't open your mouth. Plus, I have found that people think I'm really smart because I don't say much.

SOOO... I keep quiet and everybody likes me. That is, until they get wind of my blog and decide to read it. heh heh


maggie katzen said...

oy, course I'm usually surprised by who forwards stuff to me. It took us a while to break RTO's father of the habit, and he was a federal agent for 20+ years. and keeping your mouth shut does make you smart cause then you know what you know, and you found out what other people know.

Anonymous said...

i heart coca-cola. every time i drink it, i feel it cleaning the battery acid off my stomach lining. mmm mmmmmm. feel the burn.
