Saturday, November 13, 2004

Cue the Beatles

"They say it's your birthday!"

Yep, tomorrow's my big day. I'm happy because I'll get to play keyboard in church again tomorrow morning... and Cindy is going to take me out to eat tomorrow evening to the Cheesecake Factory, where we'll have our very favorite thing -- avocado spring rolls. MMMMMMM I can't think of anything else I'd rather do. I don't actually care; dates are not a big thing to me, nor are special celebrations. I don't know why, because my mom always has made a fuss for birthdays and holidays, and I try to do it for my kids, too, because I know they enjoy it. But just for me personally, it wouldn't bother me in the least if I didn't get a party or surprises or gifts. Just my personality, I suppose. I'm just glad to have friends and a nice family and a warm house and a good job that I love... and W in the White House for four more years and Tom Daschle out of Congress. Who could ask for anything more?

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