Saturday, October 30, 2004


Even though I have not once voted for him, I am still embarrassed beyond description that Tom Harkin keeps getting re-elected to the Senate from my state. He is a slithering creep. And a raving lunatic, to boot.

Please don't blame me for this man. I'm ashamed of my fellow Iowans who obviously did vote for him. Lightfoot *should've* beat him back in '96. Ganske *should've* beat him in '02. The man is absolutely reprehensible.


R. Chase said...

God wants a Kerry win like he wants a golden calf placed on top of the capitol building.

Kris said...

Ugh, Barb... no... I have to say that that would be no trade at all. I'd rather see ALL of them slither back into the pit they crawled out of. But um, thanks anyway...

Obama's pretty popular, from what I can gather. I haven't taken a close enough look at his views, but anybody with a "D" after their name and whose last name is perilously close to "Osama" scares me to death.

Let's see... O[b]ama... or Harkin (whose last name just sounds like what a person with excess phlegm does)... ugh, don't wanna think about it.